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Showing posts from 2014
Kumal Community This blog contains the history of Kumal. Some info that i know and collected about 'kumal' We kumal are one of the  a ncient indigenous peoples of Nepal.we  are scattered in various areas of our country Nepal. The traditional occupation of Kumals is making clay pots.but recently, we have become dependent on agriculture and animal husbandry. Women have equal status with men. we worship our family god, Same (god of beasts), snake gods and goddesses,  gods and goddesses of forests, and other Hindu gods and goddesses. our traditional job some of the other books define us:- बहुभाषिक र बहुसास्कृतिक देश नेपालमा विभिन्न १०३ जात जातिले लामो समयदेखि बसोबास गर्दै आएको मध्य हामी कुमाल पनि एक हो । हामी कुमलहरु आर्थिक राजनीति शिक्षाक्षेत्र र सामाजिक दृस्ठिले पिछडिएको र हाम्रो मौलिक सस्कृतीमा बाचेको कुमाल समुदाय हो नेपालीको विभिन्न छेत्रमा फैलिएर बसोबास गरेको छ्म । माटोको भाडा बनाउने हामी कुमालको पारम्परिक पेशा हो साथै हाम्रो भ...